Jl. Plumpang Semper, Kp. Walang, Rt.10/03, No. 15, Kel. Rawa Badak Selatan, Jakarta Utara.

     Web site : www.kursuslistrik.com; E-Mail : syeh_habas@yahoo.com

    Phone : 082260317057



No. 20/PR/MSI/VIII/2021



Learn from one of the Tanker Companie or precisely the Jakarta Crew Support, which specifically handles Crew Ship owned by the Tanker Company which is an Indonesian Crews.

Head quartered in the Netherlands , this company has no less than 30 tankers and some of its crews are from Indonesian citizens graduating from the famous shipping academy in Indonesia, both in the Mechanical Department and in the Nautical Department.

Especially for the Engine Department Crews, this company makes a policy through its Crew Support, namely the Crew Engineer Competence Improvement Program which is an Indonesian citizen, the number is more than 50 persons.

One of the programs is Competency Improvement in the Ship Electricity Sector through Ship Electric Maintenance Training.

By paying attention to the Testimony Crew on this Company-owned Vessel, stating that Claims for Electricity issues on the Ship is decreasing longer (delivered by GM. Crew Support by oral), then this Policy tends to be confirmed as a permanent Policy that every Crew Engineer from the start of the Junior Engineer to the Head of the Engine Room (Chief Engineer), must attend the Ship Electricity Training held in Jakarta by Crew Support Jakarta, in collaboration with one of the Electrical Special Training Institutions, namely LPK. MSI TRAINING CONSULTANT. (www.kursuslistrikjakarta.com).

For this reason, for similar companies or others, we recommend that we follow the policies adopted by  that Company, especially in improving Crew Engineer Competencies as we stated above.


1. As a person who is responsible for the continuity of the work of the Machine and Electricity on the Ship, then an Engineer is required to have Competence in all types of work including the Electrical Maintenance, PLC., and  AC/Refrigerator Competence.

 So by following the Ship Electricity Training, PLC and AC/Refrigerator it is expected that an Engineer can overcome any electricity problems that arise on the Ship, especially in terms of Maintenance and Repair (Maintenance).

2. Providing relief for the Company, because the Electriciant function on the Ship can be handled by the Engineer, so that the needs of an Electricity company are no longer urgent. But for certain types of ships, Electriciant is still needed.


1. For Crew, have additional competencies that are needed in the work environment, so as to improve the performance on board.

2. For Companies / Operators, by employing an Engineer who has Ship Electricity Competence, there is no need to add new Crew specifically handling Electricity, so that it can reduce the operational burden for the Ship Crew.


Post Training Services are given to Alumni when they are in a workplace that is facing electrical problems, and have not been able to overcome them due to limited experience and Electricity knowledge, so that they can immediately contact the Instructor to get assistance / guidance in overcoming these suggestions by using various Media , like WA MSI Alumni Group .; E-mail; SMS; Phone, and if needed, come directly to the Training Site to get further guidance.


Training facilities that can be provided are:

1. Class Room Theory with Air Conditioning

2. Audio Visual Aids (LCD; HDMI}

3. Mudul Training and Practical Trainer

4. Certificates in English are issued by LPK. MSI Cosultant Training.



Izin Disnakertrans :  No. 24 Tahun 2014

Jl. Plumpang Semper, Kp. Walang, Rt.10/03, No. 15, Kel. Rawa Badak Selatan, Jakarta Utara. E-Mail : syeh_habas@yahoo.com  Phone : 081231905535 /  082260317057                      —————————————————————————————————————–


1. Name of Training : “ SHIP ELECTRIC MAINTENANCE”

2. Duration                      5 Days ( @ 7 hrs )

3. Cost          : a. Institutional   :  Rp. 4.000.000,-/Candidat

               b. In House       : Rp. 4,500.000,-/Candidat

4. Goal                      :

After finished this Training Candidat should be able to :

  1. Explain about Basic Electriciy, like Ohms Law, Electric Power, Series and   Parallel Connection
  2. Use Electric Measuremen tools, like Multy Meter (A/D), Clip On Meter,
  3. Insulation Tester.
  4. Explain  Schema Diagrame of  Brushless Generator; Star Delta Connection; Content of  Electric Motor Name Plate; Impedance, Voltage and Current in Star and Delta Connection.
  5. Reading and Installing Motor Control. like Direct On Line Connection; Forward and  Reverse Connection; Star Delta Starter Motor.

5. Curriculum :                        35 hrs.

    a. Basic Electricity                                : 7 hrs.

    b. Electric Measurement                      : 7 hrs.

    c. 3 phase Electric Machine                 :  7 hrs.

    d. Electric Motor Control  (T/P)          : 14  hrs ( Theory and Workshop )

6. Syllabus :

  a. Basic Electricity

        – Understanding of Voltage ( V); Current ( I ) and Resistance ( R)

        – Resistance Value in Some Material

        – Ohms Law

        – Electric Power 1 phase and 3 phase

        – Series and Parallel Connection, 3 phase sistem Connection

    b. Electric Measurement

        – Volt Meter

        – Amps. Meter

        – Ohms Meter

        – Multy Meter

        – Clip On Meter

        – Insulation Meter ( Megger )

    c. 3 phase Electric Machine

        –  Electromagne

– 3 phase Generator (Carbon Brush and Brushless Generator)

        – Star Delta Connection

        – Forward and Reverse 3 phase Electric Motors

  d.  Electric Motor Control ( Reading and Installing in  Panel Control )

        – Component of Motor Control ( Symbol and Spec )

        – Basic Wiring Diagrame of Control Motor

        – D.O.L; Control Motor from more then 2 position; Forward and Reverse;    Star Delta Starter Motor


1. Name of Training : AC. AND REFR.  MAINTENANCE .

2. Duration                       :  5 Days ( @ 7 hrs )

3. Cost                    :  Rp. 6.000.000,-/Candidat ( Inhose Training )

                                   Rp. 5.000.000,- /Candidat ( Institutional )  

4. Goal                    :

After finished this Training Candidat should be able to :

  1. Explain Basic of AC and Refrigerator System
  2. Introduce AC and Refrigerator Componen
  3. Reading and Installing Control System of AC and Refrigerator
  4. Air Hendling and Ventilating AC and Refrigerator
  5. Trouble Shootin

5. Curriculum

  1. Basic of AC and Refrigerator System 1 phase and 3 phase
  2. AC and Refrigerator Component
  3. Control System of AC and Refrigerator 1 phase and 3 phase
  4. Air Hendling System
  5. Trouble Shooting
  6.  Syllabus

    *Basic of AC and Refrigerator System

  • Basic of Circulatio of Refrigerant
    • Basic Electricity Control
    • AC and Refrigerator Componen
    • Kind of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Componen :
      • Blower; Avaporator; Thermostat; Over Load Relay; Capasitor; Heater; Filter; etc.
      • Control System of AC and Refrigerator
    • Reading and Installing of Wiring Diagram Control
      • Air Hendling System
    • Calculate Capacity of Machine for Air Handling
    • Trouble Shooting
      • Trouble shooting for Refrigerant Circulation
      • Trouble shooting for Control System


                Jl. Plumpang Semper, Kp. Walang, Rt.10/03, No. 15, Kel. Rawa Badak Selatan, Jakarta Utara.

             E-Mail : syeh_ habas@yahoo.com / basri.hasanbasri.hasan75@gmail.com

Phone : 081231905535 / 082260317057



1. Name of Training   : “ Programmable Logic Control ( PLC. )

2. Duration                   :  5 Days ( 09.00 s/d 15.00 )

3. Cost : a. In House. : Rp. 5.500.000,-/Candidat (  >= 5 Candidate)

               b. Institutional : Rp. 5.000.000,-/Candidat ( <   5 Candidat )

4. Payment Methode  : – Institutional, Pay before Training by Bill

                                           – In Hause, Pay by Invoice, maks. 7 days after Training

4. Goal                          :

  After finished this Training, Candidat should be able to :

  • Explain Configuration of  PLC. ( Programmable Logic Control )
  • Install  Input Component  of  PLC.
  • Install Output Comp[onent  of  PLC.
  • Arrange Input/Output Assignment.
  • Arrange Ladder Diagram Control
  • Arrange Mneumonic ( Programme Logic )
  • Programming and Editing Control to PLC.
  • Trouble Shooting of PLC.

5. Curriculum/Syllabus  ( 35 Hrs )

  1. Configuration of PLC.–> (  T )
  2. Instalation  Device as Input Component of PLC.–> ( T )
  3. Instalation  Output Component of PLC.–> ( T )
  4. Installing PowerSupplay for CPU,Input Relay and Output Component Unit àP
  5. Arrange I/O Assignment for Programming of PLC. à. ( T/P )
  6. Konversion  Convensional Control to  Ladder Diagram à ( T/P )
  7. Arrange and Operate Programming of PLC. by Console Programme and Progrmme Aplication by Computer ( Note Book )-à ( P )
  8. Operating  PLC. And Computer To Trouble Shooting Control System à( P )

6. Fasilies                

            1. Hand Out ( Module ) and Soft Copy of PLC. Training Programme

            2. Hand Tools

            3. PLC. Trainer

            4. Certificate                                                 

            7. Schedule Training  : Taylor Mate ( Disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan 

               Peserta )


  a.  Hand Out

           b. Certificate by “LPK. MSI. TRAINING CONSULTANTin English

                                c. Hand Tools and Material for Practice

Note :                                                                      Jakarta, 23th of  December 2021

  • Please Ask me to detail
  • HP.: 082260317057/WA
  • Email : syeh_habas@yahoo.com                                                                                     

                                                                           Drs.Hasan Basri,CH,CHt.


                                                                         MSI. Training Consultant

Lampiran :


Beberapa perusahaan Pelayaran yang telah bekerjasama dengan Kami adalah :

  1. PT. Baruna Raya Logistics , Tahun 2014 Jumlah Peserta                     : 83 Orang Crew Engineer
  2. PT. Scorpa Indonesia   , Tahun 2015 s/d 2018                                         : 8 Orang Crew Engineer
  3. PT.  Indo Maritim   ,Tahun 2015                                                                  : 5 Orang Crew Electriciant
  4. PT. Equinox ( Anthony Veder Support Jakarta ) , 2015  S/D  2018  : 65 Org, Engineers
  5. NYK., 2015                                                                                                           : 1 Orang Crew Engineer
  6. ELNUSA, 2017
  7. BP2IP TANGERANG, 2015


N  A  M  E                                             : BASTIAN SUTAN ZUBEIR

AGE                                                       : 54 TAHUN

ADDRESS                                             : PERMATA HARAPAN BAR U BLOK D1/15-16, KEL. PEJUANG, KEC.

                                                                  MEDAN SATRIA, BEKASI. 17131

OCCUPATION/RANK                      : SEAMAN / CH ENG


After following the Electric Maintenance Theory / Practice Material by Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, CH, CHt.

  (MSI. Consultant Training), I experience / feel:

1. Increased Knowledge about 3 phase electricity; How to deliver material on target, discussions are more lively.

2. In the future I feel more confident about (with) Electricity; Thanks to Mr. Hasan Basri; All Theories and Practices are here

Thus I made this Testimonial actually

                                                                                                                            Jakarta,  Januari, 27th   2012

                                                                                                                                  BASTIAN SUTAN ZUBEIR


N  A  M  E                                             : Muhammad Daud MS.

AGE                                                       : 54 TAHUN

ADDRESS                                             :  Jl. Wijaya Kusuma, Blok GG No. 36

ACCUPATION/RANK                       : SEAMAN/CH /ENG


After following the Electric Maintenance Theory / Practice Material by Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, CH, CHt.

  (MSI. Consultant Training), I experience / feel:

1. Things that became a big question mark during my time being Ch / Eng, especially in the Strong Current Electricity Practice, and Systim Starting for Electric Motor, Str Delta, were answered already, after   I joined the Electrical Course on Ships at the MSI Training Consultant

2. Other things like Electricity Measuring Instruments, we can learn well All Electricity things can be discussed casually

Thus I made this Testimonial actually

                                                                                                                            Jakarta, Januari 27th   2012

                                                                                                                                              M. DAUD MS.


N  A  M  E                                             : NARDIYANTO ( E-Mail : nardiyanto67@yahoo.com )

AGE                                                       : 32 TAHUN

ADDRESS                                             :  DS. BANJARAN, RT.02/02, NO.61, TAMAN PEMALANG, JATENG



After following the Electric Maintenance Theory / Practice Material by Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, CH, CHt.

  (MSI. Consultant Training), I experience / feel:

1. During the study of Electricity and the Control system 5 days at the MSI Training Consultant, especially the Control, really I am very grateful to Mr. Hasan Basri, who taught him how to assemble wiring, how it works in a series of Electrical and Control Systems

2. Thank God Alhamdulillaah

Thus I made this Testimonial actually

                                                                                                                            Jakarta, Januari  29th,   2012



N  A  M  E                                             : Irwan Rudiyanto

AGE                                                       : 37 tahun

ADDRESS                                             : Mangunharjo, Desa Tegalsari, RT.05/03, Mangkang Kulon,                                                                           Semarang, Indonesia

OCCUPATION                                    : Ship Electrician

TRAINING PACKAGE                     : Electric Maintenance

 After following the Electric Maintenance Theory / Practice Material by Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, CH, CHt.

  (MSI. Consultant Training), I experience / feel:

1. Of course I feel more confident in doing work that is related to electric, because it has become a necessity for an electrician to understand his work and all of that I get or input a lot after I joined the training guided by Mr. Hasan Basri.

2. Hopefully the knowledge that I got is useful for me.

Thus I made this Testimonial actually

                                                                                                                            Jakarta, Februari 25th ,   2012

                                                                                                                                         Irwan Rudiyanto


N  A  M  A                                            : Chori Adiyanto

AGE                                                       : 37 tahun

ADDRESS                                             :  Bogor Jawa Barat

RANK                                                    : Ch/Eng. PT. Anthony Veder

TRAINING PACKAGE                     : Electric Maintenance dan PLC.

 After following the Electric Maintenance Theory / Practice Material by Mr. Drs. Hasan Basri, CH, CHt.

  (MSI. Consultant Training), I experience / feel:

1. There is a Tool on My Ship (LNG Tanker) that has not been able to operate for a long time, but after following the PLC Training at the MSI Training Consultant, I repaired the tool myself and finally the Tool can function again. Thank you MSI Training. (Khori / CH Eng AV)

2. Hopefully the knowledge that I got is useful for me.

Thus I made this Testimonial actually

                                                                                                                            Jakarta,  Februari   16TH  ,   2017                                                                                                                                          C

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