1. Drs.Hasan Basri,CH,CHt. - Principal of MSI Training Consultant
- Grand Master Electrical Maintenance Instructor
- Teaching Experiance more than 35 years in several Company : Unilever Indonesia ; Indo Cement; Indo Milk; Mulia Ceramic; PT. Karuna; Pertamina; National Gobel; Bakry Building Industry; Procon Indah; PD. Pasar Jaya; PT. Baruna Raya Logistic for Engineers; I.H.I Jhonson & Jhonson; GS. Battrey; Anthony Veder Supoort Jakarta, for Engineers; PT. PP Equinox for Engineer; PT. Pelangi Crane Bars; PT. Perdana Singapore)
- Senior Electrical and Mechanical Assessor
- Motivator base on NLP. and Hypnosis
- Licensed Practisioner of NLP..
- Certified Hypnotist and Hypnotherapy
- Excecutive Menthor MLP.
- Certified Ericsonian Hypnotherapy
- Certified Communication Skill
- Cerified Hypnoteaching
- Sertified Trainer of Trainers
- Akreditor VTC
2. H. Achmad Syafruddin - Instructor of Senmon Ginou di TMMI Jakarta
- Motivation Trainer
- Licensed Practisioner of NLPTM
- Certified Hypnotist an hypnotherapy
- Excecutive Menthor MLP ( RLC ).
- Certified Ericsonian Hypnotherapy
- Cerified Hypnoteaching
3. H. Sofyan Latief
- Motivation Trainer
- Certified Hypnotist and hypnotherapy.
- Licensed Practisioner of NLPTM
- Certified Hypnosis and hypnotherapy
- Excecutive Menthor MLP.
- Certified Ericsonian Hypnotherapy
- Cerified Hypnoteaching
1. Hasan Basri
– Cerftified Electric Instructor
– Certified Electrician Assesor
– Certified Vocational Training Acreditor
– Cerftified Electric Instructor
– Certified Electrician Assesor
– Certified Vocational Training Acreditor
2. Para Instruktur Senior BLK Ps. Rebo ( PPKPI Ps. Rebo ) baik yg sudah Purna Bhakti maupun yg masih aktif untuk Jurusan-jurusan :
– Listrik Arus Kuat
– Electronika
– Teknik Pendingin
– Otomotip
– Draftmen
– IT
– Tata Niaga